Shoshana was born in 1915, in the city of Bender, in what is now Moldova, to David and Ethel (Esther) Nathanson. After finishing her general studies at local schools, she studied law at the University of Iași, earning her degree in 1936. In 1933, while still a student, she married Yaakov Lederman (who would change his name to Yardor). In February 1938, their son Reuven was born.

In 1939, they moved to Bucharest, Romania’s capital. She worked there until the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, as a translator for TASS, the Soviet news agency. Between 1939 and 1944, at the height of World War II, amid tumult in Romania, most of its Jews managed to survive, despite difficulties and limitations.

Because Yaakov was an active Zionist and aliyah advocate, they managed to get a certificate in 1944, and the entire family made aliyah. They embarked on the Mapilim ship Maritza as far as Istanbul, and then continued overland, by train and bus, through Turkey, Syria and Lebanon, all the way to Haifa. Upon reaching the Land of Israel, they settled in Netanya for a time. Afterwards they moved to Ramat Yitzhak, until they finally settled in Tel Aviv. In the Land of Israel, Shoshana worked in a number of places, including in the Ktav Pen Factory.

In 1945, she joined the underground with Lehi. She filled different roles, including communications. She also translated into French articles from the Maas periodical, printing them and sending them abroad to Francophone countries. She hid in her house wounded Lehi fighters. In fact, Lehi Central Committee member Natan “Gera” Yellin-Mor lived there for a while.

After the State was established, from 1949 on, she worked in the Postal Ministry (later renamed the Ministry of Communications), where she attained the level of national supervisor and trainer. She retired in 1990, and her husband passed away on 3.2.1997. They have a son and numerous grandchildren.