David was born March 13,1925 in Tel-Aviv to Sarah, sixth generation in Israel, and Yisrael, second generation. His parents  lived in Manshia, between Tel-Aviv and Jaffa, then southern Tel Aviv. His father, a builder, learnt construction from his grandfather, who was the first Jewish builder outside Jerusalem’s Old City Walls. He joined the Hagannah 1930. David dreamt of taking an active part in establishing the Hebrew State and Army. He’d been deeply influenced by harsh British persecution and treatment of the Hebrew settlement, and by persecution of Jews worldwide.

During the early 1940s he joined Lehi. At first he distributed info-material.  Utilizing his metal-working profession, he began developing weapons at his workplace – hand grenades, mine components, from night to early morning. He later moved his workshop to Bnei-Brak, where they developed sub-machine guns until the State’s establishment. On “Black Saturday” he was arrested by the British in Ramat-Rachel, transferred to Jerusalem prison, then Latrun, and Rafiah, where he was released. David studied at Max Fine Vocational High-School, and  moving to Haifa, at the Technion and Haifa University.

On the eve of the State’s establishment, April 1948, he married Pirchiya Aloni, while battles raged throughout the country. Pirchiya escorted Jerusalem supply convoys for the Hagannah. He joined the IDF with his Lehi comrades, serving in the 8th Brigade’s 82nd Battalion, Armoured Corps Brigade, commanding a Platoon. He participated in all the the battalion’s battles, from the liberation of Lod airport : in the battles of Rafiach, Operation Dani, battle of Beer Sheba, Uja-el-Hafir and more.

He was injured thrice: after conquest of the airport, at an Arab village, during the battle of Beer Sheba, and a serious injury in the battles at Rafiach. After many operations he was recognised as an IDF Handicapped Veteran. The couple had two daughters and six grandchildren. David owned a mechanical workshop in Tel-Aviv for precision craftsmanship.

Moving to Haifa he became the security supervisor at the Technion between 1967-93, when he retired. He looked after Technion pensioners, and was a member of Fighter’s House (Beit-Halochem). David passed away January 1st, 1999.