NAME: Prof. Stein (Windling) Olga

LEHI ALIAS: Shoshana

DATE OF BIRTH: 29 May, 1925

DATE OF DEATH: 23 February, 2016

Olga Stein, daughter of Elisheva and Sigmund Windling, was born on Friday, May 29th, 1925, and made aliya in 1943. In October 1946, she joined Lehi operations abroad and participated in recruitment and information activities in Switzerland, Belgium and France together with her husband, Lehi member, Prof. Stein Yehezkel “Yechiel”. Among her commanders was Zvi Marsa “Yedidya”. Olga and Yehezkel studied medicine in Geneva.

There they met the Lehi emissaries to the Congress in Basel, assisted them and copied for them a memo written by Nathan Yellin Moore. In Geneva, they also met David Blau and introduced him to Jewish students, to whom he explained Lehi’s ideals. Together with her husband, she spent years doing medical research.  In the 1960s, Yehezkel and Olga Stein established clinical research at the Hebrew University School of Medicine to research the causes of Atherosclerosis and led the research throughout the following decades. She received the Lehi badge.

Olga died on February 23rd, 2016 and was laid to rest in the Sanhedria Cemetery in Jerusalem.