Dvora was born on November 22,1924, to Mathilda and Yechiel Rosner in Karlsruhe  Germany. The family was nationalist religious. Her father was forced to flee Germany, and  arrived in Israel 1933  settling in Kfar-Saba. Dvora made Aliyah with her mother and sister Hela  November 1935, with certificates her father managed to obtain. Dvora was a pupil at ‘Beit-Ya’acov’ and member of ‘Ezra’ religious youth group. At Kfar-Saba she was a member of “Maccabi”; her instructors were Yehushua Cohen and Yehushua Zetler, both Lehi members. Her parents owned a restaurant. After several years, her family resettled in Bialik St. Tel-Aviv. At a family event she met Yitzchak, a Lehi member, and Latrun escapee; they later married. She joined Lehi 1944, underwent a  weapons course and became involved in various activities. She  pasted up info-bulletins and discussed explanatory background-info with religious girls, some of whom joined Lehi. In her workplace she spread info-material over a long period, without arousing suspicion.

Encouraged by her instructor Nathan Granievitz, she linked-up with society women, especially volunteers of German origin, who were operating a kitchen for the needy. She appeared there as Rachel Mayer, speaking fluent German, and obtained coupons for hot meals, that were then distributed to hungry Lehi members. She married Yitzchak 1945. They lived in a room on Hashmona’im St. Tel-Aviv, feeding their hungry friends. This room had a separate entrance, but a bathroom  shared with other tenants, so great caution was required in usage. Yitzchak went “to work” in  blue shirt/white bandana, standard ‘Hashomer- Hatsa’ir’ attire. In this room they had their two children Shlomo  and Shifra. Dvora worked at  National Healthcare  twenty years – where she was  highly appreciated. Assisting the needy and volunteering, were engrained in her.  After  retirement she volunteered at “A.K.I.M”, “Enosh”. She received Rottery’s Inner-Wheel Woman-of-the-Year award, and was active in M.L.H  Bat-Yam. Dvora was happily married to Yitzchak 52 years. She died of an illness on June 29,1997 leaving behind her husband, son, daughter and six grandchildren.