NAME: Ben-Pazi (Bronzenik) Shimon


DATE OF BIRTH: June 17, 1931


Shimon Ben-Pazi was born in Jerusalem on Monday, 17th of June, 1931.

He joined the Lehi in 1946, when he was a student at the Hebron Yeshiva. Initially, he served in the Recruitment Division and recruited new members to Lehi. Later, he joined the “Zion” platoon, which was the religious platoon. He trained in Sheikh Bader (Giv’at Ram) and in 1948, participated in the battles in Jerusalem, including the attack on Ein Kerem and the attempted break-in of the Old City. While serving, he took an ideology course headed by Dr. Shaviv Eldad.

After the dissolution of Lehi, he took part in an attempt to establish a new underground that lasted a short time. After Brandot’s murder, he studied for two years at the Rabbi’s Center Yeshiva, completed a seminar for teachers at the Mahershal Institute, joined the IDF as a tutor for new immigrant soldiers in the Armored Corps. After his discharge from the IDF, he founded a school in Sderot and served as its principal. Then he ran the religious school in Netivot. In 1965 he embarked on a teaching mission in Montevideo in Uruguay.

After his return to Israel in 1967, he ran schools in Jerusalem until his retirement. He married Dvorah, also a teacher and they had four children.

He died in 1994.