NAME: Weiss (Bialke) Shmuel



DATE FALLEN: November 9, 1948

Shmuel son of Avraham, was born in Bendine Poland, in 1917.

He made Aliyah in 1938 aboard one of  Etzel’s clandestine immigration ships. After his arrival he became a Beitar company member and joined Etzel. After the split he joined Yair and became a Lehi man. He participated in operations against the British and was arrested and held in  Mizra and Latrun prison camps. Shmuel was a modest humble man. In prison his calm temperament stood out and his enduring will to assist friends in any work, including the most difficult. He had “Golden Hands”, could fix any instrument, or any non-serviceable component, and this he did. He escaped from Latrun with the Group of Twenty, who had dug out a tunnel; his skills were most helpful while the digging operation was underway, as well as during the waiting period before the planned escape, by hiding the tunnel from the eyes of their British jailers. After the escape he dedicated himself to building  Lehi’s bunkers, and actually lived in one of them. His skills and endless dedication, made him the first to be put in charge of operating the underground  press. He was its backbone. He himself settled in one of the bunkers in Bnei-Brak,  printing Lehi’s publications by the light of a hurricane lamp: “Hachazit” (The Front) and “Hama’as” (The Deed). He continued  serving the underground thus, despite the state of his failing health. After Lehi joined the IDF, he joined the Armoured Corps 82nd  Commando Battalion, where he commanded a section of the Company “C”, and participated in the battles of “Operation Dani” and “Operation Yoav”. He was killed in a diversion operation, during the conquest of Iraq-Souidan Fort, on November 9, 1948. He was only 32 when he fell during the battle. He did not leave any family behind and like a responsible  underground member, he also left no pictures or “incriminating”  documents behind him. He was among the first five fallen soldiers, who were buried at Kfar Varburg cemetery the day after the battle.

הנצחה באנדרטה ביער לח”י במשמר איילון
שמו של שמואל וייס-ביאלקה חרוט על לוח באנדרטה ביער לח”י
לבנת זיכרון על שם שמואל וייס-ביאלקה בהיכל הזיכרון הממלכתי בהר הרצל