Yehuda Haim, son of Joseph, was born in London in 1930, while his father was on a work assignment in England. When he was one years old, the family returned to Israel. He joined Lehi in 1945 and was under the command of Leah Prisant “Ariella” until he left for a year of service in Alumot at the end of 1946. He participated in operations for hanging posters in Tel Aviv and Rishon LeZion. With the start of the War of Independence, he volunteered for the Armored Crops at Camp Yona. After military training, he was enlisted to the Givati Brigade and participated in the Nachshon operation in the battle for Jerusalem. During the first quiet period, he was transferred to the Air Force and served in Sinai for many years. Yehuda received the Lehi badge and the State Warriors badge.