Avrahan was born in Lublin, Poland, February 20, 1922, second son of Yitzchak and Nacha. He arrived in Israel aged three with his mother and elder brother, a year after his father’s Aliyah. Avraham studied at Tel-Aviv Yeshiva and evening high-school. He was recruited to the National Cells with his friends, Eliahu Beit-Zuri, Uzi Halperin (Ornan). After Etzel split, he joined Yair.
His commanders were arrested; Yair was killed. Many months ensued without contact, until Yitzchak Shamir escaped prison and re-established the underground. A planned attack on Tel-Aviv Police Commander Ford failed before Avraham’s eyes, to avoid injuring innocents. The weapon constantly at Avraham’s side saved him from surprise attacks.
He was sent to re-establish the Haifa branch. He distributed “Ha’chazit” paper, recruied new members, and established intelligence resources for upcoming operations, despite persecution inflicted by the British and Hagannah members during the “Saison”. He was sent to fortify the printing-press at the Ra’anana orchards. The “Hama’as” monthly then began appearing . Lehi’s radio station closed. Printing was moved to Bnei-Brak; “Hama’as” was published weekly, non-stop until May 1948.
In the printing house, which moved to northern Tel-Aviv, thousands of new leaflets were printed even during military curfew and searches. Avraham was in charge of printing. After establishment of the State he joined the 8th Brigade’s Commando regiment. He was transferred to “Givati” Brigade and participated in the “Ten Day” battles at Beit-Afa, Ibadis, and at Position 105. He and his comrades were asked to return to the 89th Battalion. The history of Lehi’s “Religious Group”, their combat contribution was unfolded in his book “A Burning Bush on Fire”, published 1950.
He was among the founders of the “Sulam” circle, led by Dr Israel Scheib. In 1952 he established a home with Ahuva nee Shapira, born in Safed. They have three sons and thirteen grandchildren. As a pensioner, Avraham is dedicated to research, focusing on Lehi history and the War of Independence. He’s published three volumes of “Lehi Fighters in the War of Independence”, appearing between 1996-1998 which recounts the general history of Lehi as well.