NAME: Rosner, Moshe

LEHI ALIAS: Ben-Menahem

DATE OF BIRTH: February 17, 1924

Moshe was born in Jerusalem at 17.2.1924, to a traditional family with five sons and daughters. The father David was a woodcarver while the mother was a homemaker. He studied in cheder and in the Tachkemoni School, then in the Mizrahi Teachers Seminary.  He joined the Beitar Movement. He then made his way to Ben-Al, the first recruitment cells of the IZL. His first activities were disseminating material, taking part in demonstrations and learning how to use firearms. After reading Lehi’s HeHazit, he began having his doubts, which ultimately led him to join Lehi. After a brief arrest, which his teachers at the seminary heard about, he had no choice but to move to Tel Aviv and the Sharon for full duty. Later, Netanya became the center of his activities, along with the entire Shomron, including Hadera and Zikhron Yaakov. His main job was recruiting fighters and activating supporters, while preparing operating bases and arms aches.

On the day of the Acre jailbreak, he was caught in an ambush as he and two comrades prepared the transportation for the escapees. This brought him to Latrun, where he stayed for nine months (on “pension”). He assisted in digging the tunnel, which was discovered after it had reached the ninety-meter mark.

When the detainees were being transferred to Atlit, he and the IZL commander Conus managed to hide behind the Holy Ark. Thus, they arrived with the caravan, under guard, to the narrow road of Kfar Malal. They were then able to jump off the truck and to disappear without being captured.

During the War of Independence, while fighting over the mixed cities, Moshe became an emissary to the head of the community and the Hagana commander in Safed, but the mission was a failure. Next, he came to Sheikh Munis and was recruited to the armored 82nd Battalion, as the communications sergeant of Company C. He was injured thee times in a row in the capture of Deir Tarif. At Iraq Suwaydan (Fort Yoav), he was seriously injured.

After the war, he worked as a branch manager for Bank Leumi in Haifa. He married Sarah Anchel, who arrived among the Mapilim from Romania. They have two sons, Elazar and Amiram.

Later in life, he went to university to complete his education in Jewish studies, Bible and history. For him, this was closing the circle.