Yehoshua was born on 6.1.1928 in the settlement in Magdiel in the Sharon to his parents Tova and Yosef Yerushavski, both of them born in Poland and among the first settlers of Magdiel. Yehoshua studied in elementary school in Magdiel, then in the Mikveh Israel Agricultural School. At a young age, he was recruited into the Hagana, as many in the settlement were. In nineteen, he was convinced that the underground struggle against the British was justified, and he joined Lehi. He participated in the activities which all the young members did, such as putting up posters, training with firearms, serving as lookouts before operations, et cetera.

After the announcement of the Partition Plan, the Arabs rioted against the Yishuv. Since Jerusalem was excluded from the Jewish State, the IZL and Lehi decided to fight for Jerusalem against both the British, who had not yet evacuated; and the Arabs, who were attacking Jewish neighborhoods. Yehoshua was sent to Jerusalem to join Lehi forces there. He was sent to the Lehi camp in Talbiyeh, and he went out on combat operations. During the battle for Ein Kerem, he was severely wounded in the abdomen; under heavy fire, his comrades evacuated him to Hadassah Hospital, then located on Nevi’im Street. The injury was serious, and Yehoshua fought for his life valiantly. For months he was hospitalized, while his friends came to visit him. The Ministry of Defense eventually recognized him as an IDF disabled person, at 51% disability.

After the War of Independence, Yehoshua studied for a bachelor’s in physics at Haifa’s Technion. He then began selling medical equipment. He married Martha in 1953, and they had two children, Dana and Yoram. They divorced a few years later, and in 1973 he married Leah Agari, and they had two children, Eliada and Maya.

In 1975, he completed a master’s in maritime civilizations at the University of Haifa. While diving near the ancient harbor of Atlit, he discovered a huge bronze waterline ram, now at Haifa’s National Maritime Museum. Professor Elisha Linder wrote about this remarkable discovery in The Athlit Ram (Texas A&M Press, 1991).

At the same time, Yehoshua managed a seniors’ residence in Hod HaSharon. He loved maritime history, fishing, chess and hiking. He has two grandchildren.

Yehoshua passed away on 11.12.1982 and was buried in Haifa.