Uri Betzalel Or, son of Liba and Shimon Menashe, was born in Latvia on April 22, 1922 and came to Israel on November, 1922 when he was still a baby.
He joined the Etzel at the end of 1945 and was active in Netanya and Jerusalem. He was arrested on November, 1945 and was detained in Kishlla in Jerusalem, the Central Prison in Jerusalem and in Latrun, until his release in July 1946. In 1947 he joined the Lehi resistance and worked as a recruiter at the Recruitment Department in Jerusalem, together with Habshoosh Israel, Shauli and Ezra Yachin.
After the dissolution of the resistance, he joined the IDF in 1949.
He received the Lehi badge.
Uri Betzalel died on the August 14th, 1995, and is buried in Har Hamenuchot Cemetery, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem.