Avraham was born on May 5, 1928 to Avraham ben Ze’ev and Michal in Odessa, Ukraine. His father was a merchant. In 1931, when he was three, he made aliyah with his parents and two brothers. Their route was difficult, by donkey and on foot, by way of Beirut. They settled in Bnei Brak.

Another three brothers and three sisters were born, and everyone had to pitch in to support the family.

In his youth, Avraham studied in the Tachkemoni School and completed his studies at night, with honors. He was member of the Brit Hashmona’im youth group. Then he joined IZL, and eventually Lehi. At a young age, he was running his own metalworking factory; soon enough he was making bullets.

In his factory in Tel Aviv, Avraham hired those who had recently made aliyah, including physicians and engineers who could not find work. His main occupation was emptying the gunpowder out of old bullets, refilling them and making them operational. This was done at great person risk. The British would sometimes conduct surprise inspections, so Avraham had to hire young men to stand outside and warn him about the coming of the Kalaniot.

In the War of Independence, he served providing food and water for the besieged families of Jerusalem. Once the State was established, he received a commendation. Later, he served in the IDF in an industrial capacity, overseeing the manufacture of weapons.

Avraham continued to work as a craftsman, metalworker and building contractor. He married his cousin Ilana, and they had three daughters (Shira, Yafit and Zora) and a son (Ariel). They also had numerous grandchildren. He was religiously observant and would blow the shofar for the congregation on the High Holy Days.

He passed away on September 27, 1981, at age 52, of hypertension.