Eliezer, son of Yaacov and Zehava née Hamburger, was born in Jerusalem 1930 second son of nine children. Fervently Zionist, his father left a wealthy English home to make aliya alone during the 1920s. Arriving in Jerusalem, he became Orthodox and studied in a ‘Me’a-She’arim’ Yeshiva. Eliezer joined ‘Brit– Hachashmonaim’ aged 13, and was arrested, after singing ‘Hatikva’ near the Western Wall with his group. Two years later, studying at ‘Mizrachi Teachers Seminary’, he joined Lehi. He was active in the Youth Division and Operations Department. In 1947 he attended a weapons course led by legendary ‘Blond Dov’ (Ya’acov Granek). He participated in diverse operations in Jerusalem including the attacks upon the Police Station and Central Post Office. Likewise, in the assassination attempt upon British military high-commander, MacMillan. In 1946 he was arrested while putting up info-bulletins, and imprisoned in the ‘Kishle’ for about a month. His father negotiated commuting his sentence to house arrest. In 1947 informers got him re-arrested, sent to Latrun Prison, and Atlit Prison Camp. In March 1948 he escaped with a friend and reached ‘Camp Yoav’ Jerusalem. He joined the Religious Company organized at the time, with whom he participated in the battle of Deir-Yassin, the Central Post Office, and Notre-Dame Monastery. June 1948 he joined the IDF, served in Camp Schneller and was discharged two years later. In 1952 he left for the US, studied electronics for two years but changed course to pursue studying teaching. He received a degree and worked in Washington at elementary schools as teacher and principal. In 1956, on vacation in Israel, he married Shoshana Landner, also a teacher. They had three daughters and a son. Eliezer returned with his family to the US, until 1975. Shoshana passed away in 1973. He married Gail Kampir in 1991; he has nine grandchildren. After returning to Israel, he dealt in real-estate. Eliezer retired and dedicates himself to his family, reading and study.