Shmuel was born on January 5,1933 in Tel Aviv, to Rabbi Mordechai Menachem and Leah. His father, a Gur Hassid, gave his ten children an Orthodox religious education and brought them up in the spirit of love for the people of Israel, the homeland, and boundless dedication. In his childhood Shmuel studied at the ‘Sinai Orthodox School’ and ‘Heichal Hatalmud’. He was a member of a youth movement and afterwards of ‘Brit- Hachashmonaim’ for many years (until the movement was disbanded by the Israeli authorities after the assassination of Bernadotte). Like his brothers and sisters, he joined Lehi 1947, aged 14, in the Youth Division. Like most youngsters his age, he was chiefly engaged putting up info-bulletins in Tel Aviv streets, distributing information material. During the period following the UN’s Partition decision and before the British Government publicized its decision to exit the country, putting up these info-bulletins became quite dangerous, due to the British soldiers’ nervousness and jumpy trigger finger. Shmuel was part of a group putting up bulletins at dusk, when at Yavneh St. corner of Rothschild Blvd, they were fired upon by British paratroopers. Shmuel’s partner Uzi was wounded and captured; Shmuel managed to escape. Shmuel accompanied his mother several times while she visited his brother Ya’acov at Latrun prison camp, and visited sister Malka at the Bethlehem Women’s Prison. During these visits he was able to transfer notes to the prisoners, concealed in his shoe-sole, and in a false bottomed food basket. Return mail from the prisoners was similarly transferred. Shmuel was posted to the Lehi Camp in Sheikh Munis until the Declaration of Independence and the enlistment of Lehi members in the IDF. Too young to enlist, he returned to his yeshiva. In the early fifties Shmuel joined the IDF and served 27 years in the Medical Corps, until his discharge, ranking Regimental Sergeant-Major. In 1960 Shmuel married Dina Atas and they had eight children and twenty-three grandchildren. After his discharge, Shmuel worked at the Human Resources Department of Bar-Ilan University 1979 -98.