NAME: Goldstein Yehezkel



DATE OF DEATH: March 10, 2016

Yehezkel was born to Tsilla and Yitzhak in Tel Aviv, January 1927. His parents had made aliya from Radom Poland, in 1926. They lived in a shack on Yavetz Street, and his father worked as a carpenter in Tel Aviv’s port.  Aged seven he lost his father. The burden of income fell on his mother, who undertook hard physical labor to fulfil it, doing laundry and  road-building work. Yehezkel  studied at ‘Tahkemoni’ School, then was sent for three years to Kibbutz Gvat. At 14, back in town, he worked at a garage to aquire a trade and help out his family’s income. He was in the Scouts. The family moved to another shack, subletting it to Lehi members. When Michael (Yitzhak Shamir) escaped from Mizra, he hid there. In 1945, Yehezkel requested a Lehi member to recruit him. He was initially active in the Youth Division, pasting info-bulletins on walls, distributing informative material, and recruiting. He  brought recruits before the Entry Committee. He was transferred to Operations, working in supplies. He would supply weapons for operational activities, and transport explosives to the storage locations upon his tricycle. He later engaged in planting explosives in the railway tracks at Bnei-Brak and Kfar-Saba, and took part in the Barclay’s Bank ‘appropriation’ on Allenby St, Tel Aviv.  During a Magdiel weapons course Yehezkel was introduced to Hannah Ulanski (Nili). In December 1947, after receiving the Lehi Center’s permission to do so, they married. He joined the IDF with other Lehi members at  Kiryat-Meir, serving in the 82nd Battalion. Yehezkel participated in the battles around Tel Hashomer, Yahud, Lod, and neighboring villages. He later served at a vehicle workshop in Tel-Hashomer. He participated in the 1956 Sinai Campaign, the Six Day War and the Yom-Kippur War.  After discharge, Yehezkel worked at a garage, later as a taxi-driver. In 1981 he was severely injured in a car accident. From then till retirement, he worked as a clerk.

Yehezkel and Hannah have three children and five grandchildren.