Shmuel was born on November 28,1926 in Chichnov, Poland to religious parents, Aharon-Yona and Sarah, née Melnick. He was youngest of their four children. His father tailored and sold ready-made clothing; his mother helped in this and raised their children. Shmuel attended mandatory state school while afternoons studying Hebrew, Judaism and Scriptures in the Jewish Beit-Midrash. His father initially made aliya in 1925, but was forced to return to Poland due to acute economic conditions prevailing in the land. He came again by himself in 1932. Only in 1935 was his family able to obtain immigration Certificates and join him: his mother, wife, two brothers, sister and his children. Shmuel’s family was reunited. Shmuel vividly remembers the eventful day of departure from Poland. The family settled in Jerusalem where his father set up a tailor-shop for children’s clothing and school uniforms, and retailed ‘Ata’ factory products. Shmuel studied at the ‘Mizrahi’, ‘Horev’, and ‘Ma’ala’ religious schools. He contracted polio at 14 and had to pursue his elementary and high-school studies tutored at home. Later he continued studying on his own. He instructed at the ‘Yodfat’ scouts. In 1946 Shmuel joined Lehi. Operating in Intelligence, he ran an archive of names and general-info at home, which he coded into musical notes, knowledge acquired thru his piano playing. He served in the entry committee for new Lehi members. At ‘Eldad’ and ‘Dror’ camps, he fulfilled office functions, operated phones and typed. Despite his disability Shmuel did not give up but contributed his utmost for liberating Eretz Ysrael from the British yoke. From 1951 he worked at the Finance Ministry’s Comptroller Dept. In 1965 he became manager of the Tefachot Bank,Jerusalem branch. Following the Six-Day War, when the bank transferred its head-offices from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he was appointed Department Manager. He retired in 1989. In 1954 Shmuel married Sarah, née Biyale, Jerusalem born and sixth generation Israeli. Her brother David-Aryeh Biyale (Shmuel), was a Lehi member serving in the Religious Unit. Shmuel and Sarah have two sons, a daughter and eight grandchildren.