NAME: Ginossar Yehudit, née Halevi


DATE OF BIRTH: July 9, 1925

DATE OF DEATH: May 26, 2010


Yehudit was born  July 9th 1925 in Jerusalem, to Malkha and Ben-Zion, both natives of Eretz Yisrael. The family lived in Jerusalem and  Hebron until the 1929 riots. In 1934 they settled in Kfar- Saba, after several years in South America. Yehudit joined Maccabi Tsair, one of her instructors being Yehushua Cohen. Yehudit helped spread Lehi’s message while still at high school. During 1943-1944 she aided Yehushua Becker (Yisraeli), who had been sentenced to death, maintain contact with the outside world by visiting him and delivering letters. In 1944 her older brother Yoseph, a Lehi member, was arrested. Yehudit was recruited to Lehi by Pinchas Ginossar (Amnon), her future husband. She observed military trains, distributed campaign material, did a weapons training course in Kfar-Jamussin, and more. The Halevi family – involved in community public life, supporting the needy – joined the Lehi struggle by fundraising, hiding weapons, and by hiding and caring for wounded underground members. Their home was under CID surveillance, and Yehudit had to leave. Her sister Shulamit  joined Lehi too. Yehudit took part in the re-establishment of the Haifa Lehi branch, almost entirely destroyed after the Railways workshops operation, by recruiting new members, distributing campaign material, making contact with the Akko prisoners, sabotaging military transports, blowing up the CID headquarters, and setting fire to the Haifa fuel storage tanks. In February 1946, with her sister and comrades, Yehudit got arrested and imprisoned in Bethlehem. Only her younger brother Eliyahu remained  with their parents. Following the UN resolution for Partition, danger grew for the Jewish female prisoners in Bethleham, but only after staging their rebellion were  they transferred to Atlit . Yehudit took part in a failed escape attempt, to which the British forces reacted violently. After the establishment of the State she was released with the other inmates. She was active for a while in the Fighters Party. Yehudit taught at elementary and secondary school, in a Ma’abara (immigrant lodging) near Ramleh, at Ramleh, Giv’at-Brenner, Bnei- Brak, Yerucham, and at the Sdeh-Bokker College, where she resided with her family for over 20 years. During the mass immigration of the 1950s, she helped the residents of the Pardes-Katz ma’abara in their struggles. She was a delegate at the conference of the Women Workers Council and  the Teachers Union. Yehudit is married to Pinchas Ginossar, mother of Dror and Orly and the grandmother of Eran, Michal, Uriya and Adam.