NAME: Garti (Recht) Miriam


DATE OF BIRTH: October 15, 1925

Miriam Garti, daughter of Rivka and Benjamin Recht, was born in Warsaw, Poland, on October 15, 1925. In 1933 she came to Israel with her family on the ship “Polaniya”. She joined the Lehi in 1946 and engaged in promotion activities. After Brandot’s murder, she was arrested and held in Sheik Munis for six weeks. She then enlisted in the Women’s Corps in the IDF. Her brother Moshe Maimon (Recht) “Yehu” was also a member in Lehi. In 1952 she married Lehi member Nissim Garti “Gan”. They had two children, Avi and Orna, and grandchildren.