Yitzhak was born on December 19,1926 in Kerman Iran, second son to Rabbi Avraham and Rachel who also had three daughters. His father worked  molding print- rolls, his mother was a housewife. His father wanted to raise his children in the Holy Land, therefore set out with Arab smugglers, who abandoned the family in the Galilee mountains at night. At dawn they were found by Arabs and turned in to British authorities. They were arrested in Safed, sentenced to three months in Akko and Bethlehem prisons. Yitzchak joined Beitar 1940, then  ‘Brit-Hachashmona’im’, and joined  Lehi aged 15.  He circulated info-materials, recruited, found funds, did surveillance and placed mines. He was responsible for a  storage place, instructed, and broadcasted “For the Freedom of Jerusalem” program on the clandestine radio station. He got expelled from school because of  Lehi membership, 1946. Yitzchak headed  “Machaneh-Yoav” Lehi youth camp in Sheikh-Bader. After the assassination of  Bernadotte, he was sent to Jaffa and then Akko prisons. On release he joined the IDF serving as Morse Signaler in the 9th Battalion, 7th Brigade and was discharged 1951. Following release he studied teaching at the Hebrew University receiving his senior teaching credentials; he also studied at  ‘Merkaz-Harav’ Yeshiva. Between 1952-84 he was teaching and administering schools in Jerusalem and  surrounding area. He was a member of the School Principals’ Unit of both Jerusalem and  National. Diverse activities in the field of education continued after his retirement 1985. He continued instructing until 1994, at Meir Institute Yeshiva, to establish a spiritual leadership for the Ethiopian Community, and created  the ‘Centre for the Heritage of Ethiopian Jewry’  becoming its first president on behalf of the Chief Rabbinate, Ministries of Absorption and Religions and Joint Israel. He was a member of the ‘Sulam’ Circle, writing under  pen-name ‘Y. Ben-Rachel’. He is active in the management of the “Spiritual Centre” of the Master Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu. Yitzhak continues  studying at “Young Israel” pensioners’ Yeshiva.

He married Esther Cohen 1955, a head Operating Room nurse. The Elidars, who reside in Jerusalem, have four daughters, thirteen grandchildren and a great-grandson.