Yitzhak was born in Poland in 1923 in the town of Ofaleh in the Lublin district. His father Haim was a Hassidic Jew and his mother Esther a housewife. They made aliya together with their children in 1934. Yitzhak received a nationalist religious education. In 1939 he joined the national religious youth movement Brit Hashmonaim, a fighting educational movement, whose aim was the establishment of the Kingdom of Israel and inculcated in its members self-sacrifice and dedication to the liberation of the homeland from the foreign yoke.
In 1939 he was recruited to Etzel where he underwent a Group Leaders training course and became a leader of Yeshiva members who were mainly involved with putting up posters. After the split in Etzel in 1940 Yitzhak joined Yair’s men and became a Lehi member. At the time he served as head of a Brit Hashmonaim cell in Tel Aviv, which enabled him to recruit new members.
To earn a living he established a workshop in south Tel Aviv where the Lehi printing house was also operating. There were Lehi women working inside the place to disguise its real purpose. Yitzhak organized caches in which to hide wanted underground members and the escapees from Latrun. He kept in touch with families and women who were sympathetic to Lehi and who put themselves at risk for the sake of helping the underground.
He took part in the attack on the British Intelligence building in an alley off Jaffa-Tel Aviv Street, in the attack on Sarona, and in a number of operations where he served as the Medical Department’s field paramedic.
With the establishment of the IDF he joined the 89th Battalion of the 8th Brigade together with other Lehi members and took part in all its battles in the War of Independence.
In 1949 he married Rachel Erlich. They have three sons and a daughter. The eldest, Aharon, is a rabbi in the Hispin Settlement in the Golan and an educator in the local Yeshiva. Ehud is training to be a rabbi, Hassya is married to Rabbi Klieger, who serves as the head of a secondary school Yeshiva.
Yitzhak and Rachel have twenty grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.