Arieh was born on May 25,1923 in Brisk Poland, to Pnina and Eliezer. The family made Aliyah legally 1925 and settled in Jerusalem. Arieh studied at ‘Tachkemoni’ school then ‘Chorev’, and later ‘Mizrachi Teachers’ Seminary’. He had a nationalist outlook and joined Etzel 1937. With the outbreak of WWII, Etzel soldiers joined the British Army. He was ordered to enlist with the Trans-Jordan Border Patrol, and served there three years and a half. After his discharge, March 1944, he joined Lehi. He worked in the Post-office telegraph department to earn a living. In the midst of 1944 he was sent to Lehi’s Commanders’ Course, in the Arab village ‘Jamusin’ near Tel-Aviv. After discharge from the Border Patrol, Arieh brought Lehi a radio technician he’d met in the Service, named Manfred, who began building a radio transmitter for the clandestine radio station, and instructing a Radio Operators Course. Arieh was part of Lehi’s Operations Branch. He participated in a joint-operation with Etzel: attacking the Central Intelligence Department. He was in charge of operations in Jerusalem. This included the daring operation to free ‘Center’ member Eldad, from Dr. Ticho’s Jerusalem clinic, where he’d been brought from British prison, heavily guarded, for treatment. Arieh was among those who broke into the clinic. The operation was successful, Eldad resumed full Lehi activity. Arieh prepared mines for the massive attack on the Haifa Railway Workshops. He was active in Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel-Aviv, Sharon region and Zikhron-Ya’acov. With the establishment of the State and the IDF, he joined the 8th Brigade on May 30,1948 as a Signals officer. He was later transferred to the Air- Force, and finished his military career as Captain. On May 27,1948 he married his underground girlfriend, Ruth Cohen (Amira, Nimroda), who’d been imprisoned about a year in Bethlehem, after being caught with flyers. After the War of Independence he became Production Manager of the “Asis” factory and served afterwards as the Factory Manager of “Osem”. In 1988, following an illness, he retired. He and his wife have two children, Arnon and Dana, and three grandchildren.