Binyamin, son of Gershon Hanoch and Dina Zipora, was born in 1925 in Lodz Poland. His Zionist family sent his elder brother Mordechai to study at ‘Mikve Israel’ Agricultural School. In 1933 the entire family made aliya with their seven children and resided in Petah-Tikva. Binyamin studied at ‘Netsach Israel’ School. The family moved to Tel Aviv, there he studied at ‘Bilu’ School, later at Montefiore School 1941-1943, when despite his young age he joined the Jewish Guards.
He later joined Lehi. At the first meeting of his cell he and several comrades were arrested by the British. Sisters Bracha and Rachel joined Lehi after his arrest. He was taken to Latrun and from there deported to Africa, with a group of 251 detainees. He did time in the Detention Camps of Sambal (near Asmara Eritrea), Carthago Sudan, Eritrea again, and then Gilgil Kenya, until after the Declaration of Independence. He returned with the last of the exiles on July 12,1948.
His father and brother, welcomed him at Tel Aviv Port and were later killed in the Egyptian air-raid upon the city. Binyamin immediately joined the IDF, serving in the Armored Corps and later, after signing up for a military career, in the Engineering Corps. He studied at the Haifa Technion, graduating 1956 as construction and roads engineer . He was discharged from the IDF 1972 with the rank of lieutenant colonel.
He worked thirteen years as an engineer, at Tel Aviv University. Binyamin passed away on May 20,1989. He is survived by his wife Selva, two daughters, Ora and Idit, and seven grandchildren. On the 2nd anniversary of his death, university staff commemorated him naming the engineering department’s conference room in his name: the Binyamin Charuvi Conference room.