Rosa-Shoshana was born on 1914 in Kishiniev (Moldavia) Russia, to her mother Chaya and her father Methusis. Their house was secular and assimilated, uninvolved with Zionism. Rosa studied at a local general school. She joined  Maccabi, where she became friends with her future husband Yisrael Brun. The two later decided on leaving Maccabi and joining the Beitar movement, where they absorbed the spirit of Zionism and Nationalism. She tried  finding a way to go to Israel. In 1932, thanks to the efforts of  Meir Dizengoff, Tel-Aviv’s Mayor then and related to her mother,  she was sent a Certificate to enable her coming to Israel. Dizengoff continued supporting her during her first period in Israel. She soon joined the

‘Brit- Habiryonim’ movement, founded by Abba Achimeir, and participated in diverse activities. Among them was the removal of the Nazi flag atop the German Consulate, which she hid  in her purse.

A few years after arriving in Israel, she married  Yisrael Brun and they had three daughters: Esther, Ze’eva and Michal. Yisrael, an  Etzel and later Lehi member, was arrested  1940 and spent two and a half years on and off, in Akko Prison and the Prison Camps of Mizra and Latrun. Rosa travelled with their young daughter Estherke between the prisons, while having to deal with the hardships of earning a living . During this period she found comfort in the warm house of the National Workers Association. Despite the difficulties, Rosa found  time to assist  Lehi underground in every possible way – she opened  her house for use by the underground, guarded dangerous materials, and even transferred weapons that she hid in her baby-carriage. Rosa was a kind woman, feeding and caring for National members and their families who found refuge at her house in the ‘Sela’ neighbourhood. Yisrael passed away on January 11,1981. Rosa passed away on July 17,1989, and was laid to rest at the Nachalat-Yitzchak Cemetery, next to her husband. She left behind three daughters, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.