Moshe was born  April 1923 in Jerusalem, to Raphael and Michal  nee Eliezerov (Yisraeli). His parents had immigrated  from Istanbul 1922, with two babies and settled in the Old City, near  Shchem (Nablus) Gate, in “Bab-el-Amud”. Observant Jews of Georgian origin, they’d moved to Istanbul in 1919. His father worked at various jobs, as he did not have a profession. His mother helped with the family income as a seamstress.

During the period of the bloody Arab riots 1929, they were forced to flee for their lives fearing Arab rioters, escaping from their home with four children and a baby, plus their belongings. Their landlord warned them of the intentions of the killers. With their uncle’s help, they moved to Nachalat-Shiv’ah; in 1932 they moved to Yesod-Hama’alah St. Tel-Aviv; Moshe attended  “Tachkemoni” School. He had a sense of responsibility and a serious attitude towards life. He joined Beitar young and later Lehi. He participated pasting up info-bulletins, distributing info pamphlets. One day while pasting he was discovered by the British. They tried to capture and arrest him but Moshe escaped. He underwent weapons training courses and served as an explosives expert, placing explosives in British military vehicles. He was tasked to participate in operations and in battle assignments. He was a believer and a modest person, dedicated heart and soul to friends and family. He had great influence on his sister and brother, who joined Lehi in his footsteps. After the Declaration of Independence and the invasion of Arab states who commenced  war upon Israel, Moshe joined  the newly established army with his comrades, after the Sheikh Monis parade, joining the IDF’s 8th Brigade, (Armoured Corps), 82nd Battalion. He fought in all the battalion’s battles, and participated in the conquest of Iraq-Souidan.

Moshe was discharged 1951, married Raya Siman-Tov and they had three children: Dalia, Michal and Raphael. He was dedicated to his family and its spirt of togetherness. Moshe worked at  ‘ELCO’  (manufacture of electronics) until the day he died. He passed away on October 21,1983 .