Dov was born in Hanukah 1917, in Truchenbrod Poland to Avigdor and Bluma. His father owned a small dairy, manufacturing milk products sold at the family shop. His mother raised their six children. Dov studied in a ‘Heder’, and later three years in a Yeshiva outside town. After his return he joined Trunchenbrod Beitar. In the same spirit, he later joined Etzel.
October 1939, after his town’s Soviet occupation, Dov and a few Beitar friends, began their long overland trek to Israel, through Vilnius and Moscow. There they declared themselves Polish subjects wanting to join the Polish Army positioned in Israel, and after many hardships, received their visas. They continued through Odessa, Istanbul, Syria and Beirut, reaching Rosh-Hanikra March 30,1940. Here they were captured by the British and sent to Atlit. Dov joined Lehi and was named Yoram Bentov (to his friends he was known as ‘Hakrulik’); he served publishing and distributing the underground newspaper ‘Hachazit’. For a while he was Yitzhak Shamir and Israel Eldad’s contact person. He dealt in hiding weapons in Lehi caches. May 1945 he was arrested in possession of newspapers and info-pamphlets, imprisoned in Jaffa, then transferred to Akko Prison. June 1945 he was exiled to Africa and sent to Sudan, Eritrea and Kenya with his comrades. On June 29,1946 he participated in the great Eritrea camp escape, via tunnels leading outside, but was captured with his friends and returned to prison. Two weeks before establishment of the State, March 31,1948 he was returned to Israel. After returning, he officially adopted his nom-de-guerre. In 1949 Dov married Margalit Nadav. They lived in Tel-Aviv, and had three children, Avigdor, Efrat and Tomer, and five grandchildren. September 1972 Dov was among the pioneers of the Judea-Samaria settlements and among the first to settle in Kiryat-Arba, where he worked in the city council and city library, as librarian and bookbinder. Thus he completed the circle begun during underground printing days, which embodied his great love of books.
Dov passed away on the eve of Independence Day 1986, and was buried in the ancient Jewish cemetery of Hebron.