David was born September 18, 1920 in Brisk Poland, youngest of the three children of Sarah and Yaacov. He studied at the ‘Tarbut’ high-school Brisk, and joined Beitar . He later joined Etzel’s secret cell , and underwent a course. With the outbreak of WWII, he escaped to Russia, through Lithuania, trying to reach Israel. He arrived in Israel 1941 as a soldier in Anders’ Army, and immediately defected, joining Lehi in fighting the British; he changed his name to David Meiri. He served in the Intelligence department. He was captured by the British March 16, 1944, in Tel-Aviv. During interrogation he was beaten and tortured, but didn’t reveal his address, where his secret work material was hidden away . He was held with the Lehi prisoners, at the Russian Compound Jerusalem. During his June trial, David demanded his lawyer agree to his defence line: being considered a soldier of the Hebrew underground movement whose weapon was meant for fighting the British . His lawyer refused and with David’s approval, resigned. David requested making a statement denying the court’s right to try him (the first to openly state this). It’s obvious Britain hadn’t come to fulfil its Mandate – to establish a Jewish national homeland – but created the mandate to advance its own interests. Lehi isn’t playing the decent-citizen game nor arguing about British laws, and as a soldier in its ranks, here I stand honestly before you urging you to cease pretence of objectivity and legalities. We’ll openly be enemies, with all this implies. First of all, treating us like prisoners of war not criminal offenders. In a British Military Court in Jerusalem he was sentenced to twelve years at Akko prison. He was among the Akko Prison Breakout escapees, May 4, 1947, and continued serving in Lehi. With establishment of the State, David joined the army serving as an officer. He worked in the Tel-Aviv Municipality, was active in the National Workers’ Organisation, and for Lehi’s Deceased. He passed away on September 8, 1980 aged sixty, leaving behind wife Genya nee Tebeksbelt, two children, Bat-Sheva and Ya’acov and three grandchildren.