“Stricken with the Madness of Kingship, the Freedom Fighters of the Homeland” In the Shadow of the Extinction of Irgun Tzvai Leumi be-Israel
Mabat Gan, Ramat Gan pensioners’ magazine, article by Granek, Inbar and Pick about the Underground Monument dedication in Ramat Gan
Mabat Gan, Ramat Gan pensioners’ magazine, Falkoff, Granek and Kenan present a holiday concert for Jerusalem Day, by Gil Shohat, of Uri Zvi Greenberg’s Kodesh Kodashim
Mabat Gan, Ramat Gan pensioners’ magazine, produced to mark fifty years since the hanging of Feinstein and Barazani
Mabat Gan, Ramat Gan pensioners’ magazine, short film by Benny Muller, Miriam Falkoff and Gershon Granek about the publication of the Lehi Fighters Encyclopedia and the special Knesset session to mark the 60th anniversary of Yair’s murder
Mabat Gan, Ramat Gan pensioners’ magazine, stories of childhood in Adina Perlman (Almog)’s Mishpaha Lohemet