Zvi was born in Vienna Austria, to parents David and Esther who immigrated to Israel from Galicia Poland November 15, 1924, and lived in Jerusalem. They went to Vienna for the father’s studies at Technical School. Returning to Jerusalem 1926, Zvi studied at ‘Tahkemoni’ Schoo (parents returned later). They moved to Haifa 1936, when the father became manager of a floor-tile factory.
Zvi finished elementary school, joined Maccabi Tsa’ir. He studied electricity at night school. Later Zvi went with his father to work a few years in Abbadan Tehran, for Solel-Boneh. While visiting Israel he met Yoseph Dar who told him he’d joined Lehi and about their goals. Zvi decided to join on return. He began working as electrician at the refineries. When Lehi command, as part of the Hebrew Revolt Movement, decided to attack the refineries, Zvi smuggled explosives inside, burying them in a shelter. Night of the operation they had to be moved into the refining units. Moshe Bar-Giora, with Zvi – who was in charge of the operation- Avraham Yehudai and Ya’acov Greenberg, left for action. Bar-Giora accidentally closed the briefcase thus activating the timer and in the explosion was instantly killed – Greenberg severely injured. Zvi carried him two kilometres on his back outside the refinery, and from there, to Rothschild Hospital. When British Police arrived, Zvi with Yoseph Dar transferred Greenberg to safety. Zvi later took part in the operation to blow-up airplanes at Kfar-Sirkin, after undergoing a sabotage course at Pardes-Hanna. In 1946 the Hebrew Revolt Movement decided on a joint operation against the British establishment: blowing-up the bridges and workshops of Haifa Railways. Detonating the workshops occurred after destruction of the bridges. Thus the British had time to bring in large reinforcements, awaiting the Lehi fighters after the operation. The operation was successful, but in retreat, somehow the fighters were all in one truck; at the Kfar-Ata entrance they encountered a large British force, including an armoured vehicle. After a heavy battle eleven fighters were killed, many injured. Zvi was injured in both legs, and although proper treatment could have saved him, the British forbade any medical attention whatsoever and transferred the prisoners to Kiryat-Chayim Police. He died of his wounds, aged 23, on June 17, 1946. He was buried in the Lehi section of Haifa Cemetary.