Avraham  son of Pnina and Zvi was born in Warsaw 1923 to a religious Zionist family. His father worked in the wine industry and came to Israel with an Aliyah of wealthy men. An immigration certificate from the British cost 1000 pounds per family. The father came alone to prepare for his family’s later arrival 1934, when Avraham was 11; they settled in Tel-Aviv. After elementary school, he continued at an evening secondary school and worked in a bookstore. In 1938 he joined Etzel and later became a civil guard around Netanya. When the split occurred 1940 he joined Lehi. Police broke into his house 1943, arresting him and his two brothers, Yoseph and Shaul. They were  held in Jaffa Prison, then Akko and Latrun, and finally exiled to the Prison Camps of Sudan, Kenya and Eritrea for nearly five years. During imprisonment he observed Jewish traditions and ate Kosher food . After establishment of the State he returned  with the last exiles. Next day he joined the IDF’s 8th Brigade. He fought in the battles of the War of Independence, the Sinai War and Six-Day War. In 1954 he married Nechama Zelts, one of the Gush-Ezion fighters, who’d been taken hostage by the Jordanians. Together they raised a fighting Zionist household; three daughters –  two who established their houses in Gush-Ezion. Avraham was active in ‘Hatchiya Movement’’, in settling Judea and Samaria, contributing strength and money, and volunteering as a civil guard. He chose this path throughout his life: an honest level-headed way, modest and in keeping with the principles wisely. He served as  chief accountant at the Bank for Industrial Development, living in Ramat-Chen. He frequently studied Hebrew linguistics and was involved in Land of Israel studies, Tanach and History. Upon his deathbed, he parted from his family with “Shema-Israel” and said: “Remember: The People of Israel for Eretz-Yisrael by the Teachings of Israel”. His final words, life-motto  and legacy. He was buried on Sukkot Eve 1992 at the  Kiryat-Shaul cemetary. He left a wife, Nechama, three daughters, Dalya, Nili and Efrat, and twelve grandchildren.