NAME: Ariel (Leibovitz) Herman Tzvi

DATE OF BIRTH: February 7, 1912

DATE OF DEATH: April 24, 1967

Zvi, better known as Herman, was  the eldest son of  Esther and Ya’acov  and was born in Zurich Switzerland February 7, 1912; he had a brother and sister, Yitschak and Ada, who were Etzel and later Lehi members. He was brought up in the Zionist spirit and its fulfilment, from early on.  From age 10 he studied Hebrew, after completing studies at the Regional School. In 1926 he was sent to Israel to the agricultural school of ‘Mikve-Yisrael’. The purpose was to train him in agriculture, so when his family would arrive in Israel, they could establish a farm and fulfil the father’s dream to be a farmer in his country. The dream was not fulfilled because Zvi wasn’t able to get accustomed to this. After a few months he caught typhus and that put an end to his agricultural career. He stayed in Israel  about a year, worked as a correspondent in an international delivery company and despite his young age, wrote articles about the land and its inhabitants for papers in Switzerland, Austria, and Germany. When he returned to Zurich, the family had already began its preparations to immigrate, but was delayed because the anti-Semitic British consul had for years refused to grant them a visa. Meanwhile Zvi completed his formal education. Eventually the problem was resolved: in the 16th Zionist Congress in Zurich 1929, his father was among its organisers, and met Colonel Kisch there, who promised to take care of the situation from London. Indeed, a few days later the family received their visas and immigrated at the end of September that year. Zvi joined Etzel following his younger brother Yitzchak, and when it split, joined Lehi, serving in administrative positions. He was also involved in Intelligence and in maintaining contact with public personalities.

Zvi died of an illness  April 24, 1967. He left behind his wife Dina nee Kerman, his daughter Carmela Shulman, and his son – Ilan Ariel, plus seven grandchildren.